Thursday, August 1, 2013

Support Conowingo Dam

Please see below for a copy of a recent e-mail that I had receive about the Conowingo Dam. It contains some good information.

Dear Tim- 

I hope you’re doing well; I’ve enjoyed your most recent posts about the MD State Senate. I wanted to let you know that Support Conowingo Dam has a new website, Facebook page and twitter handle devoted to educating and informing people like you about the benefits of the dam and its positive impact on the community. I know you’ve included information about Conowingo on your blog in the past and thought this may be of some interest to you, particularly since Conowingo Dam is currently going through the relicensing process. You can find links here:


If you wish to learn more about Conowingo, the benefits of the dam, the relicensing process or how supporters can get involved, I would be happy to put you in touch with one of the experts over at the dam.
 Please let me know if you are interested or have any questions that I can help answer. 


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