Friday, December 7, 2012

As Cecil Turns

I look forward daily to reading the Cecil Times, Cecil Whig and various blogs about the Tari Moore saga. It gets more ridiculous and funnier each day. Get over it folks, she won. I am tired of hearing about how she turned her back on her supporters by switching her party on a temporary basis. Tari is a Republican today and will be one tomorrow regardless of what a piece of paper says in the Board of Elections.

I am willing to bet that the ones screaming the loudest voted for Pam anyway. Chris Z. from the Republican Central Committee keeps on talking about Tari taking the Republican money and turning her back on them. What money? According the latest Finance Report from the Central Committee, they spent a big fat zero on any of the Cecil Country Republican candidates. Maybe if their most recent required report wasn’t late (I couldn’t find it), it would prove me wrong. When a member of the Central Committee suggested a dollar amount that could be donated to each local Republican, Chris went off on rant in a public e-mail how he did not want to help any of the candidates. I think that he should be disclosing on those e-mails that he is sending out about this subject that he was the leading candidate to replace Tari if the party switch wasn’t made.

Councilman Mike Dunn was kind enough to post who contributed to her campaign today. Where is the Republican money on that list that everyone is screaming about? Sure the Republican Club gave her money, she was endorsed by them. If asked, I would bet that the majority of the club would say that they support her actions. I challenge anyone to find any of her volunteers to say that she did wrong. 

Do I think her actions were ethical – no. Do I agree with her actions – YES (I guess that makes me unethical too). If it was left to the Republican Central Committee to make the recommendations, I believe that we would have more of the same that we have had during the past two years. 

I what to conclude this letter by thanking all of the parties involved with this saga. It does give me something to look forward to reading the following day. The only thing funnier is the Mayor sitcom over in Rising Sun (sorry Travis).

(Disclosure – I voted for Pam, I was on her campaign committee)

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