Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Through the Eyes of a 9 Year Old

We often hear Americans complaining about their own country. It makes us pause and reflect on our feelings towards the country we live in. I know that I am proud to be an American. Recently, my daughter, who is in the 3rd grade at Rising Sun Elementary School, had an opportunity to write an essay for the local American Legion Auxiliary Unit. The essay had to be about Americanism, what it means to be an American. I am proud to say that she won at the local level and her essay is now competing at the state level. These are her words, her mother and I did not help with this. Through the eyes of a nine year old.

America – Home of the Brave, Land that I Love

There is no other place I would rather live then in America. When ever I see the Statue of Liberty, I’m glad of all of the freedoms we have in America.

I love living in America because we have freedom. On freedom we have is we can go to college and become anything we want to be when we grow up.

Living in America is great because we have electricity. We like modern technology and it uses electricity.

There is no other place I would like to live because people aren’t fighting outside our door. In Iraq, people are fighting outside kid’s homes and some could get shot or get a bomb in their home and die.

America is awesome because we have very brave people like policemen, fire fighters, and doctors. They risk their lives to make sure we’re safe.

Living in America is great because we have enough food. Other countries don’t have enough food and some people may die.

America is a wonderful place to live because lots of men and women risk their lives to protect us. They give up everything thy love like their friends, family, and their every day comforts.

Living in America is wonderful because we have the right medicines. Other countries don’t have the medicines to cure sicknesses.

I hope you love America, home of the brave, land that I love, as much as I do.

Amanda Zane
Grade 3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent essay. Please forward to Rev. Wright.